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Status Business Number Business Name Business Type Date of Registration Date of Name Reservation Registrar
View 80020000006615 KAWUMBI SPARE PARTS Sole Proprietorship 07/12/2016 07/12/2016 MUKEMBO DAVID
View 80020000008017 OSIIME ROSETTE ENTERPRISES Sole Proprietorship 08/12/2016 07/12/2016 MUKEMBO DAVID
View 800200000103684 KUTEESA BUSHILAH SERVICES Sole Proprietorship 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 ANITA TUMWINE
View 800200000114843 PRECISION CUTS Sole Proprietorship 28/02/2017 15/02/2017 ANITA TUMWINE
View 800200000116355 NAKALEMA LAVIKA TRADERS Sole Proprietorship 01/03/2017 07/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000117759 MEGAHARTZ ELECTRICALS Sole Proprietorship 01/03/2017 17/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000120408 HARRIET NAKASI DESIGNERS Sole Proprietorship 02/03/2017 15/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000126561 BD BLESSED ENTERPRISES Sole Proprietorship 07/03/2017 06/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000127305 BIYINZIKA HARDWARE Sole Proprietorship 07/03/2017 13/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000128985 OMM SHOE MAKER AND REPAIRER Sole Proprietorship 09/03/2017 19/01/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000130559 KABAHUMA PAULINE RETAIL SHOP Sole Proprietorship 09/03/2017 17/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000130780 UNIQUE BOUTIQUE & BRIDALZ Sole Proprietorship 09/03/2017 13/02/2017 ANITA TUMWINE
View 800200000132335 FIQTECH PHONE REPAIR Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132346 KIDDAWALIME SPARE PARTS Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132368 PHARIDAH G.B RESTAURANT Sole Proprietorship 10/02/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132380 AMISSHA'S STORE Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132401 THE CHOCOLATE BAR MPERERWE Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132412 MICOLAS TRADER Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
View 800200000132434 KABAGANYIZI 256 FASHIONS Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 10/02/2017 ANITA TUMWINE
View 800200000132522 FRESH GARDENS BUSINESS LINK WAKISO Sole Proprietorship 10/03/2017 20/02/2017 DAVID MUKEMBO
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